The Newest in the Macedonian Children's Literature Експозе од одбранет магистерски труд

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Marija Markovska


The paper displays the newest Macedonian literature for children. It consists of story’s and character’s analyses, their mutual connectivity and character-child relationship. It makes a parallel between the traditional and modern approach of children’s story writing and ventures throughout the thematic and motives from which they are led. The main goal of this research is to signify the impact that the authors had on children’s literature and on the development of the child-reader.


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Идризовиќ, М. (1988) Македонската литература за деца, Скопје: Наша книга. Мојсова-Чепишевска, В. (2019) Клуч во клучалката на детството, Скопје: Матица македонска.