Effective Aesthetics and Objective Truth in the Literary Criticism of Kosta Solev Racin

About some peculiarities of the critical-essay texts of Kosta Solev Racin

  • Ivan Antonovski Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology in Skopje, North Macedonia
Keywords: Kosta Solev Racın, literary criticism, essay writing, objective truth, effective aesthetics, real art


Compared to the overall publicist work of Kosta Solev Racin, less attention has been paid to Racin’s literary criticism, which, although it is not extensive, taking into account the specifics of the development of Macedonian literature, there is no doubt that it has an exceptional importance in the overall Macedonian literary and in general cultural and historical context. It determines the so-called Racin’s period in Macedonian literary criticism, which is the foundation of the contemporary Macedonian literary-critical work, but at the same time it also bears witness to the laying of the foundations of the contemporary literary controversy in the Macedonian cultural area, which affects both the perceptions and concepts of aesthetic and poetic literary platforms and the evaluative court for specific literary achievements. This reference to Racin’s literary criticism aims to make it possible to perceive some significant dimensions of Racin’s creative personality realized through literary criticism and to reanalyze some of Racin’s views on literature, from a time/historical distance from which it can be perceived and the overall Macedonian and Yugoslav / South Slavic literary context of the 20th century. The emphasis of the paper is placed on two fundamental critical-theoretical categories in Racin’s critical-essay texts – key postulates of his critical speech: effective aesthetics and objective truth.
The analysis of the contextualization of these critical-theoretical categories in Racin’s critical-essay texts, achieved by reading specific specific examples and by reading the entire critical-essay Racin’s opus by pointing out the specific texts, leads to the conclusion that it is a question of literary criticism which represents a built position for literature and for the dimensioning of the further development of the Macedonian and South Slavic literary, but also cultural reality in general and as such, seen from today’s perspective, undoubtedly had the potential to be the birth of a designed aesthetic platform, which deserves more thorough studies and evaluate.


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