Unification of the Administrative Terminology in the Albanian Language

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Ajten Hajdari-Qamili


The need to unify the administrative terminology in RNM, Albania and Kosovo respectively, throughout the Albanian language has been ascertained for a long time, but there has been a special stress for the use of the Albanian language in the administration of RNM. The translators very often, but sometimes even the compilers of administrative texts face great challenges during the selection of relevant terms, because have been confronted with different varieties in these three states. A very serious issue has been which form or model should be takes as basis: what is being used in Albania, in Kosovo or the meticulous translation from Macedonian? In order to end these challenges, the only solution is for the administrative terminology in the Albanian language to be unified and later on also of other fields.
To give arguments regarding the need for the unification of the terminology, I have analyzed the terms by describing how they are in explanatory dictionaries (in the dictionaries of modern Albanian language and modern Macedonian language), afterwards how they are translated in Albanian-Macedonian dictionaries, later on how they are translated in Macedonian-Albanian dictionaries and for comparison I have put also the Albanian-Serbo-Croatian dictionaries and vice versa, since its regarding international terms or terms that are the same in the Slavic languages.


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