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Antunović Zvonko
Klir Šalavardić Željka
Zmaić Krunoslav
Novoselec Josip


In the world, there is an increasing demand for sheep milk and breeding of dairy breeds of sheep. The aim of this work is to present the production of sheep milk and the state and perspectives of Lacaune sheep breeding in the Republic of Croatia. In the world, EU countries and even in Croatia, the production of sheep milk is constantly increasing, which is evidenced by the growing interest in sheep milk and the breeding of dairy breeds of sheep, including Lacaune sheep. Lacaune sheep are bred in the Republic of Croatia by 10 farmers (2,254 breeding heads) and the number is constantly increasing. In the control of milk production of Lacaune sheep in the 3rd lactation, an average daily milk production of 2 kg was determined, and a total milk production of 400 kg in a lactation of 197 days, with an average of 6.3% fat and 6.0% protein. The production and chemical composition of Lacaune sheep in the Republic of Croatia is very similar if we compare it with available research throughout Europe. The abovementioned indicated the appropriate feeding and rearing of Lacaune sheep, but also their good adaptability. The perspective of Lacaune breeding in the Republic of Croatia is promising, and an increase in their number is expected. In addition to the improvement of feeding and rearing conditions, a higher production of milk will be achieved and the economy of production will increase.


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