• Bojan Belić University of Washington, USA


The arguably blossoming field of borderlands studies has not produced a single theory of borders, offering instead a plethora of terms often denoting overlapping concepts. This is precisely why – first – a theory of frontiers, specifically linguistic frontiers, is only outlined and – second – applied to the concrete area of Serbia’s Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Then a close analysis of the Vojvodina’s populace of Bunyevs is offered in an attempt to better understand the process of the emergence of a linguistic frontier


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Kako citirati
Belić, B. (2019). BUNYEV(S): A LINGUISTIC FRONTIER TO BE?. Filološke Pripombe, 12(2), 603-618. Pridobljeno od https://journals.ukim.mk/index.php/philologicalstudies/article/view/477
Jezikoslovje. Didaktika poučevanja jezikov