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Dear colleagues,
Interdisciplinary communication is of crucial importance to scientific research, and for sixteen years it has been successfully implemented with the International electronic journal „Philological Studies“.
The two issues this year were prepared by the Institute of Macedonian Literature in Skopje (Macedonia), with the help and support of our partners: Faculty of Philology at the Perm State University (Russia), Faculty of Philosophy at University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Faculty of Philosophy at University of Zagreb (Croatia), and Institute for Literature and Art in Belgrade (Serbia).
Thirty-five scientific contributions by authors from: Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Moldova are published in the journal on topics in various scientific areas such as: art, philology, philosophy and history.
The journal is archived in the Central and Eastern European Online Library (C.E.E.O.L.), in the Croatian Gateway for Scientific Magazines (Hrčak), and in the Russian Citation Index (RINC). It is incorporated in the international databases: MLA International Language Association, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, EBSCOhost, Gale and ProQuest.