• Slavco Koviloski Institute of Macedonian Literature, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia
Keywords: female identity, literature, newspapers and magazines, women's associations, Balkans, Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania


In this article we analyse women's identities on the Balkans in the XIX century. Self- discovery was a process the educated women experienced first, so that they could emphasise their identity. They wanted to play a role in public life, and they sought and defended the right to it through women's associations, through a large number of articles in newspapers and magazines, through poetry, prose and plays, i.e. through literature in general.


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How to Cite
Koviloski, S. (2019). IDENTITY OF BALKAN WOMEN (AUTHORS) IN XIX CENTURY. Philological Studies, 14(1), 14-32. Retrieved from
Philosophical-Cultural Problems