
Sami Kryeziu
Krum Boskov
Zlatko Prculovski
Muhamet Zogaj


The aim of the research was to determine the technological potential of the clones of the Cardinal variety. The trial included clones VCR 26 and clone 80 of the Cardinal  variety which were compared with the standard traditional variants. The experiment was set up in the Tikvesh vineyard - locality Kavadarci on production plantations of the company GD Tikvesh – Kavadarci in Republic of North Macedonia. The experimental plot were established in 2002 on SO4 rootstock by applying a simple double guyot  pruning. Regular agro-technical measures applied during the vegetation. The research focused on perceiving the results of: identification of clones, technological characteristics such as sugar, acid content and organoleptic assessment of grape. By applying the ampelographic key and the CODE system of OIV, the connection of the clones with the standard of the variety was ascertained: The clones VCR 26, were characterized by the largest amount of packaged grapes. The quality expressed through organoleptic assessment, which the best quality were seen in clone VCR 26 of variety Cardinal. Based on the obtained results, as the most favourable clone for cultivation in conditions of Kavadarci vineyard, were seen clone VCR 26, compared to clone 80 and traditional Cardinal variety. 


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