
Zlatko Prculovski
Riste Gjorgiev
Mihail Petkov
Sami Kryeziu
Krum Boskov


Vranec variety is the most important and most represented variety for production of red wines in Republic of Macedonia. It provides raw material for production of quality and excellent red wines. Today, it is present in all warm vineyards, and on smaller areas it is represented in the rest of vineyards. In our research, the impact of the system of pruning on the yield and quality of grapes of this variety in the conditions of Tikvesh winegrowing region was studied. Three variants of pruning were applied: Guyot - Poussard pruning, double Guyot and cordon pruning. The highest yield of 4.368 g/vine and the highest average grape mass of 312 g was obtained by cordon pruning.    

The lowest yield of 3.709 g/vine was obtained by Guyot - Poussard pruning, while the double Guyot pruning system obtained the lowest average mass of grapes (214,2 g) but this system shows fruity shoots per vine and the largest number of bunches per vine. The theoretical randman ranges from 71.47 % (double Guyot) to 80.0 % (cordon pruning). The sugar content at the time of harvest ranges from 21.0 g/l (cordon pruning) to 22.8 g/l (Guyot - Poussard), while the total acid content is in range of 4.13 g/l (Guyot - Poussard) up to 4.7 g/l (cordon pruning). Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the pruning system has a significant impact on the qualitative and quantitative properties of the grapes from Vranec variety.


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