
Biljana Kuzmanovska
Rade Rusevski
Katerina Bandzo Oreshkovikj
Mirjana Jankulovska


Bunch rot disease of grapes, caused by the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea is a chronic and serious problem in most of the vineyards in Republic of Macedonia. Its control is mostly achieved by application of synthetic fungicides. However, chemical control of B. cinerea is often difficult and incomplete, especially in vineyards where resistant strains have developed. A promising alternative strategy that could replace or be combined with fungicides are biofungicides. The main goal of the experiment was to observe the possibility for biological control of Botrytis bunch rot disease by the use of three novel biofungicides (Serenade Aso, Polyversum and Timorex gold). Experiment was conducted during the 2016 in two vineyard regions of Republic of Macedonia (Negotino and Kavadarci), on two grape varieties, Chardonnay and Cardinal. The destructive potential of this grape disease was confirmed in the untreated variant of the Chardonnay variety, where the intensity of infection was higher than 48%. Biofungicides Serenade Aso (a.m. Bacillus subtilis QST 713) and
Timorex gold (extract of Malaleuca alternifolia) had similar efficacy, with average of 89% reduction of disease incidence in the region of Negotino and 91,66% in the region of Kavadarci. Biofungicide Polyversum (a.m. Pythium oligandrum M1), applied as preventive sprays achieved more than 85% reduction of the disease in both regions. The results showed that all tested biofungicides have a prospective use for control of bunch rot disease in grapes.


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