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Vedat Pirinç
Erhan Akalp


This study was carried out to determinate the some quality of tomato (Falcon standart variety and Lice genotype) seedlings grown in different substrates during spring season of 2021 year. In the study, the seeds of tomato were sown in 350 cc capacity drained pet glasses filled with different mortar substrates in greenhouse of the Horticulture Department of the Faculty of Agriculture of Dicle University. As growing substrates of mortar used in the study; Soil (Control), Soil + Perlite (3/1 ratio), Soil + Water Retaining Polymer (3/1 ratio), Soil + Perlite (3/1 ratio), Soil + Vermiculite (3/1 ratio) and Peat + Perlite (3/1 ratio) were prepared as mortar materials. The parameters taken in all seedlings that have reached the thickness of a pencil and have removed their third-fourth true leaves were as follows; root length and diameter, plant height, stem weight, root weight, leaf weight, stem weight only, leaf area index, l*, a* and b* values, dry root, leaf and branch weights were measured. In the study, it was found that different mortar materials were effective on the parameters taken in tomato seedlings (p < 0.01). As a result of the measurements and observations, the best results were taken in Lice genotype respectively; peat + perlite > soil + polymer > soil + vermiculite > soil + perlite > soil. Seedlings of Falcon variety were obtained in the order of peat + perlite > soil + perlite; similar results were obtained in other mortar. The results obtained at the end of the study, it was determined that the use of peat perlite mixture mortar material or soil and water-holding polymers instead of only soil contributed to the development of seedlings.


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