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This paper indicates the depopulation of the rural areas in Serbia during the period from 1961 to 2011. Based on the research on a number of indicators, there have been significant changes in the rural society and the rural areas in Serbia, primarily expressed through the processes of: depopulation, ageing and migrations that have affected socioeconomic and rural development. The theoretical framework for the sociological study of the villages was based on the monographic method for the qualitative and quantitative description of the village settlements and regions. The analytical method was used for the interpretation of cause and functional relations within the rural area. The analysis of documents, the official statistical data and publications (Population and households of Serbia according to the 2002 census, Population of Serbia at the beginning of the 21st century, Villages in Serbia; the changes in structure and the problem of sustainable development. Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in 2011 (Census of Agriculture 2012 related to the process of depopulation of the rural areas in Serbia were used for the research. The changes occurred in the rural areas of Serbia have resulted in the depopulation of many villages which are without inhabitants now. Today’s population structure in villages shows the trend of reducing the share of the young population and the increase in elderly population, all of which affect the demographic picture of the rural areas in Serbia. Such situation leads to the change in the structure of the working age population, with the further tendency of the village depopulation, especially in the mountainous areas where the fertile contingent has almost disappeared.
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