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Katerina Nikolic
Ana Selamovska
Zoran Nikolic
Maja Babovic Djordjevic


The human role in bioecological examinations of codling moths is of crucial importance for the integral protection of pome fruit and the production of healthy and safe food. The codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) is one of the most significant apple pests in terms of causing the diminished yield and poorer fruit quality in apples. As such, the codling moth requires daily monitoring by agricultural producers. The aim of this research was defined by the need for establishing the presence of codling moth natural enemies and the estimation of their codependence in apple plantations with various methods of protection. The examinations were carried out on the territory of Southern Serbia from 2005 to 2008. During the research, the standard entomological methods, such as pheromone traps, branch beating and placing bands around tree trunks, were used to track the presence, number and population dynamics of the codling moth and its natural enemies. The research results revealed the dominant role that the anthropogenic factor has in many segments of the integral apple protection and the production of high-quality apple fruit. Faunistic researches are inevitable for the correct determination of human actions, due to the clear composition of autochthonous natural enemies of the codling moth. The natural enemies of the codling moth whose presence was determined during the research belong to the following orders: Hymenoptera, Diptera, Dermaptera, Neuroptera, Coleoptera and Heteroptera. The analysis that has examined the human influence on the autochthonous natural enemies of the codling moth also contributes to the preservation of biodiversity and agrobiocenosis, as well as to the production of high-quality, safe food.


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