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Vera Petrova
Milena Yordanova
Georgi Stoimenov


The requirements of modern agriculture include besides obtaining maximum yields of crops also maintaining and improving soil fertility and environmental protection. In recent years, interest of usage solid phase (charcoal or biochar) obtained by pyrolysis as soil improver, increases. Biochar is a solid material obtained from the thermo chemical conversion of biomass in anoxygen-limited environment. Additions of biochar to soil have generally been shown to be beneficial for growing crops. From an agronomic perspective it is suggested that biochar could improve soil health by increasing nutrient retention. The present pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of biochar application on the plants photosynthetic activity. The experiment was carrying out on two soil types, treated with different BC ratio. The plants grown on cinnamic pseudopozolic soil show a high content of plastid pigments in comparison with these on alluvial meadow soil. The aim of study is to evaluate the biochar agronomic impact on the plants growth, development and quality indicators.


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