The Prespa Agreement (PA) between Athens and Skopje was meant to be a
final solution to the ‘name issue’. Yet the dispute has never been only about the state
name, which is proved by the 20-pages long text. A plethora of other provisions is to
be implemented erga omnes (internationally and domestically). Despite the insistence
of the external mediators that the name dispute has never concerned the issues
of ethnicity, nationality, culture, and language, these issues indeed appear to be simultaneously
central as well as the Achilles heel of the deal. This paper does not deal
with conceptual and theoretical aspects of ethnicity and nationality; yet its focus is
on the fact that the Agreement indeed regulates identity issues; i.e. it represents a legal
intervention in spheres pertaining to both ethnicity and national identity with
implications for each. The basic premise is that instead of being a final solution to a
protracted identity conflict, the PA symbolically reconceives the old Macedonian
Question into a new form with an old essence. Thus, it does not resolve but rather
complicates the identity security dilemma.
Copyright (c) 2019 Biljana Vankovska
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.