The non-proliferation of nuclear weapons is a matter of policy and social responsibility
for world peace, while the peaceful development of nuclear technology is a
matter of freedom, sovereignty and equality of nations. It is known that the improvement
and development of nuclear weapons in the Cold War era was a constant process.
In this paper, the author addresses the reasons behind the development and introduction
of certain types of nuclear weapons in the armament, which according to the development
programs at that time it is classified as weapons with intensive initial nuclear
radiation. The neutron weapons emerge in part as a consequence of the doctrines of
nuclear countries in accordance with the classification of possible wars that would have
taken place in that era. The logical consequence of such a situation was the limited nuclear
war, in which the nuclear forces became not only the owners of nuclear weapons,
but also its hostages. The vision was that in a match with limited nuclear strikes, the
winner might be the side that has more sophisticated weapons at the moment. The neutron
bomb, officially defined as a high-radiation weapon, is a low-performance thermonuclear
weapon designed to maximize deadly neutron radiation in the immediate vicinity
of an explosion while minimizing the physical power of the explosion itself. The
question remains whether the spread of various and even partially inaccurate information
that protection is very difficult, almost impossible, may have one additional motive
for the production and spread of this weapon – to influence morality, the political situation
and to exert psychological pressure, not only tо armed forces but also the population
in general ?!
Copyright (c) 2020 Vancho Kenkov
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.