People with intellectual and mental disabilities in the social protection system in Serbia between community and institutionalization

  • Dragana Stankovic Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Political Sciences, University in Belgrade, Department for Social Policy and Social Work.
  • Miroslav Brkic Full-time professor, Faculty of Political Sciences, University in Belgrade, Department for Social Policy and Social Work.


The process of deinstitutionalization is one of the directions of the
social protection system reform in Serbia that has started at the beginning
of the year 2000 and as one of the reform’s priorities is incorporated in
strategic documents and laws.
In terms of human rights of persons with intellectual and mental
disabilities, the institutions, but also society as a whole, show to a great
extent insufficient focus and commitment. Compliance with the standards
defined by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,
ratified by Serbia what makes it legally binding document, has remained
just at the level of the governmental formal commitment.
Despite legislative changes aimed at protecting the rights of people
with intellectual and mental disabilities, the number of those people in the
residential institutions is still high. The key assumption of the
deinstitutionalization process - development of community-based services,
what should ensure getting the necessary support in the natural environment (and prevention of the institutional care as the same time),
hasn’t kept the anticipated pace.


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