(na primjerima tekstova quorumova naraštaja)

  • Sanjin Sorel University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
  • Svetlana Jankovic University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia


The article problematizes the Croatian postmodern narrators' share in a theoretical perception from the end of the 80's. The relationship between theory and fiction is being analyzed on the modal narrative relations between the matter-offactness and narration, i.e. a possible world. That's why the problem of verity is one of the substratum on which the narrators construct their books, whether it is a novel or a short story. The idea of virtuality intrudes itself upon a theory of possible worlds, essentially, so thus in Božek, Boban, Budiša and Gregorić.


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How to Cite
Sorel, S., & Jankovic, S. (2019). STVARNOSNI ELEMENTI TEORIJSKOGA ROMANA. Philological Studies, 7(2). Retrieved from
Contemporary Society In Culture, Language, And Literature