• Marija Gorgieva-Dimova Faculty of Philology "Blaze Koneski", Universtiy "Ss Cyril and Methodius", Skopje, Macedonia
Keywords: historiographic metafiction, novel, history, interpretation


This text is focused on question about interpretative capacities of the novel, manifested in the frames of certain literary genre – historiographic metafiction. The initial premise of this theoretical elaboration is immanent disposition of historiographic metafiction to include the models and procedures of interpretation within its narrative structure, taking into consideration its double (metainterpretative) orientation towards history/historiography and towards its own literary tradition.


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How to Cite
Gorgieva-Dimova, M. (2019). ХЕРМЕНЕВТИЧКИТЕ ИМПЛИКАЦИИ НА РОМАНЕСКНИОТ ИНТЕРЕС ЗА ИСТОРИЈАТА. Philological Studies, 13(2), 185-205. Retrieved from https://journals.ukim.mk/index.php/philologicalstudies/article/view/419
Literature in Intercultural Context