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Nadica Todorovska


In order to control the hygienic and health conformity of vegetable food products from the consumer basket for the preparation of a full-day military meal, among other analyses, the maximum allowable quantities of the elements Cd, Pb, As, Zn, Cu are monitored. With the AAS technique, three samples each of twenty fresh vegetables, vegetable products and herbs were analyzed and the quantity of the elements of interest was examined. The results of the examination of three samples of: fresh beans, carrots, potatoes, onions, cabbage, spinach; canned vegetables: peas, green beans, peppers (glass and tin packaging), beets (glass and tin packaging), cucumbers (glass and tin packaging), tomato paste, mushrooms; herbs: ground paprika, black pepper, parsley and mixed seasoning are presented. The samples are from different producers from the Macedonian area. Using the method of comparative analysis, it was concluded that the obtained results are in accordance with the norms of the rulebook and those of the literature.


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