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Azderski J.
Tuna E.
Pejkovski Z.
Hadjievski V.


Agriculture in the Republic of Macedonia is in a constant development crisis, based on structural agri-policy origin. Agricultural holdings occur in several structures, such as: very small individual holdings (farms) that use about 80% of the agricultural land; agricultural companies; and several cooperatives that use about 20% of the best quality agricultural land in the country. The industrial labor organization in the some of the agricultural corporations: disrupts the natural cycle of the plant and animal production, increases the input, decreases the production capacity of the land and creates environmental issues. The phases that include reproduction and milk production, as phases of the farming process, are especially expensive and require individual treatment of animals. The trend of development of village structure which can encompass the principles of agricultural
production is negative. The small land property structure, which is worsening each year, cause deprofessionalization, specially in the hilly and mountain regions. Therefore, strategy for technological development in agriculture is proposed in this paper. The strategy is expected to contribute in the development and strengthening of agriculture in the villages in accordance to the west European examples based on cooperative investment and ownership.


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