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Marjan Andreevski
Duško Mukaetov
Slavčo Hristovski
Hristina Poposka


The scope of the investigations was to determine the quantity of total forms (Cu, Mn and Zn) and available forms of heavy metals (Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) in rigosols from the area of Veles. Digestion of soil samples was performed with concentrated HCl and HNO3 in a 3:1 ratio. The available forms of heavy metals were extracted with the DTPA method. Determination of the content was performed on atomic absorption spectrophotometer Agilent 55. The results of the investigation showed that the total zinc contents in all soil samples were lower than the reference value. Total copper content in 3 soil samples is lower than the reference values, while in 5 soil samples had higher contents than reference value, but much lower than intervention value. Total manganese content is lower than the maximum allowed concentration for agricultural soils. The quantities of available copper are in the ranges of low to very high, of iron and zinc is between very low to medium, while of manganese between low to high.


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