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Marjan Andreevski
Duško Mukaetov


Differences in mechanical composition of two soil types on hard limestone and its subtypes were investigated in order to get closer look on variability and dynamics of this soil property over long period of pedogenesis of these soils. Soils on hard limestones on Jablanica Mountain were select as a case study. During the field survey campaign on different locations 18 basic soil profiles of calcomelanosols were excavated, with the following subtypes: organogenic (5) organomineral (12) and brownized (1) and 4 soil profiles calcocambisols with a typical subtype. Field survey and laboraotry testing was implemented according standard methods adopted in our country and the Former Yugoslavia. Clay content is generally high and increases from organogenic subtype towards brownized calcomelanosols and calcocambisols subtypes. During the process of evolution of the calcomelanosols into brownized calcomelanosols and calcocambisols, the content of soil organic matter decreases. The fine earth of examined soil samples usually is non-carbonate, but in a limited number of soil samples a very small quantities of CaCO3 were detected. In terms of its soil reaction, the examined soils can be classified into three categories (very strongly acid, moderately acid and neutral). The content of total nitrogen in the examined soils is high and vary in the ranges of 0.211.95% in calcomelanosols and 0.31-0.56% for hor. A and 0.18-0.27 for hor. (B)rz of the calcocambisols. The examined soil samples are with low content of easy available phosphorus and optimal content of potassium.


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