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Kübra Yaşa
M. Ufuk Kasim
Rezzan Kasim


The kiwifruit is originated Southeast Asia whose production and consumption is increased each day. The production quantity has reached 3.447.605 tonnes around the world. It is also important to protect the quality of kiwifruit which has a high vitamin C, in the postharvest period. One of the most important problems of kiwifruit is infections originated by fungus during storage. The most common fungal disease in kiwifruit storage is Botrytis cinerea. The first symptom is seen after a few week storage. Because the pathogen can develope in the cold storage conditions, it causes decay and serious economical damage. Although the chemical methods is used to prevent this disease, with the increasing consumer awareness and due to caused the risk both environmental and human health, the tendency towards non-chemical methods of combat has been increased. The aim of this study is to compile the studies on non-chemical struggle methods used in Botrytis cinerea struggle. It was found that the most common non-chemical treatments are curing, heat applications, ultraviolet light applications, gamma radiation applications, ozone application and essential oil applications. Because these physical methods are not risk to the human health, it will guide for future research.


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