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Kokot Ž.
Pajić N.
Marković T.
Martinovska Stojceska A.
Janeska Stamenkovska I.


The authors present the basic characteristics of the fish production in the Republic of Serbia. In the case of the fishpond "OZZ Despotovo", in the municipality of Bačka Palanka, the main economic indicators achieved in the production of freshwater fish (carp, grass carp, silver carp, catfish) are analyzed. The observed production requires very high investment per unit area (€ 4,381.39 ha-1). Despite significant investment, achieved economic results are relatively modest (the contribution margin € 892.15 ha-1; the cost-effectiveness ratio 1.09; the profit rate 8.10%). System support of country in the modernization of existing fishponds and raising the new ones, it can significantly contribute to the improvement of production and economic results in the fish production on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.


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