Professori Ljubinkae Basotovae IN MEMORIAM

  • Vesna Dimovska Faculty of Philosophy, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje


Ljubinka Basotova, PhD, professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje,
a renowned classical philologist, pedagogue, scholar, an eminent translator
of classical languages, passed away this year, on 18 June 2020. In memory of
her fulfilled life and versatile professional career, let us briefly reflect on the
contribution and efforts that professor Ljubinka Basotova made for the Macedonian
scientific, cultural and education community with her numerous
works, research papers, translations, verse translations and textbooks, as well
as her scholarly and pedagogical engagement. Even though the focal points in
which her exquisite intellectual capacity manifested were mainly in science,
translation and teaching, which by their nature, and in case her particularly,
are inextricably interlaced in the best way possible, professor Basotova also
had erudition and enthusiasm to be committed and successful in other social
activities. This sad occasion and tradition call for focusing first on the usual
facts of the professor’s professional biography.


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How to Cite
Dimovska, V. (2020). Professori Ljubinkae Basotovae IN MEMORIAM. Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, 73(1), 527-536.