In the famed speech delivered during the negotiations in Naupaktos, Agelaos
among other things advises Philip V to turn his attention towards the West and the
struggle between Rome and Carthage. The similarities with the advice that Demetrios
of Pharos previously gave the king is a reason to doubt its authenticity. That the advice
is ascribed to an Aitolian should not be taken as an argument in favour of its authenticity,
but quite the contrary fits in with Polybios’ generally negative image of the Aitolians
in this period. Although its authenticity can not be proved with certainty, at least
in historical context that may not be too important, for the future actions of Philip V
show that it had little impact on the decision for concluding the Peace of Naupaktos.
Copyright (c) 2020 Stefan Panovski
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.