This site hosts all open access journals that are published by the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.
  • Annual of the Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology

    Annual of Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology in Skopje is a scientific journal published by the Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology since 1975. The journal publishes one issue per year with articles from the fields of literature and culture, language and teaching, translation and interpreting, as well as reports of activities of the faculty.

    Online ISSN 2955-2346   Print ISSN 1409-8571

  • Iustinianus Primus Law Review

    IUSTINIANUS PRIMUS LAW REVIEW is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access, online scientific journal published by the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia. Its first volume was published in 2010.

    IUSTINIANUS PRIMUS LAW REVIEW publishes original papers which are relevant and interesting to the modern trends in the specific areas of law, journalism and political studies.

    IUSTINIANUS PRIMUS LAW REVIEW is indexed in Hein Online and EBSCO

    ISSN 1857-8683



  • Slavic Studies

    Slavic Studies is an international Slavic journal in the field of humanities published by the Department of Slavic Studies at the Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology, at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.

    Online ISSN: 2955-232X Print ISSN: 0352-3055

    Indexation: EBSCO

    Slavic Studies Vol 23 No 1

    Slavic Studies Vol 23 No 2


  • Security Dialogues

    The journal Security Dialogues (SD) is an international peer reviewed journal that specializes in political and security issues. It is published by the Department for Security, Defence and Peace, Faculty of Philosophy, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.


  • Ревија за социјална политика/Journal of Social Policy

    Ревија за социјална политика/Journal of Social Policy is published by the Faculty of Philosophy, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. It aims to contribute towards raising critical public and academic debates on social policy issues, relevant at the local, national, regional, and international level. The Journal encompasses topics related to the labor market, living standards, social protection, social insurance, education, health, housing, family policy, social assistance, social transfers, poverty and social exclusion, anti-discrimination, etc.

    Indexation: CEEOL, DOAJ, EBSCO, ERIH, etc. DOI: Online ISSN: 1857-8977 Print ISSN: 1857-6052

  • Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje

    The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje is an international peer-reviewed journal, published by the Faculty of Philosophy at the Sts. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.The journal publishes one issue per year and is one of the oldest national scientific publications,  published since 1948. It publishes original and review scientific papers, expert contributions, presentations at conferences and books, summaries of doctor's dissertations, commemorations of significant anniversaries, etc.

    At first, papers were published in the Macedonian language, but recently English versions of these papers have also been published. The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje aims at creating a forum for the educational and scientific activities of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje.

  • Review of Instutie of National History

    Glasnik is an  international scientific journal of the Institute of National History – Skopje, since 1957. The journal publishes articles in the fields of humanities and social sciences, through the following rubrics:

    • Articles;

    • Materials (documents, photos, travelogues, memoirs, and other types of unpublished manuscripts and illustrative materials);

    • Reviews (bibliographies, critics, reviews, chronicles, In memoriam and other texts);

    • Announcements (important information at the end of the journal).

    The official languages of the journal are the Macedonian and one of the world-wide known languages.


  • Economy, Business and Development: An International Journal

    Business, Economy and Development journal seeks to promote an understanding of the phenomena of development from a combined business and economy perspective. The journal consciously endeavours to combine scholarly perspectives relevant to academic research and policy issues relating to development. In this connection, we use the term development broadly - to include scholarship drawing on business and economy perspective in the context of developed and developing countries on a micro or macro level...

  • Journal of Contemporary Economic and Business Issues


    Journal of Contemporary Economic and Business Issues (JCEBI) does not accept manuscripts anymore. JCEBI from June 2020 continues under a new name "Economy, Business and Development: An International Journal". The web site of the new journal is

    The content of JCEBI web site contains information up to and including March 2020 and is not further updated.


    Journal of Contemporary Economic and Business Issues is a new peer-reviewed open access journal in subjects of economics and business which covers economics, economic policy, finance, quantitative economics, business and other relevant fields. It is a semi-annual academic journal published by the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Economics – Skopje in both print and online version.

    Journal of Contemporary Economic and Business Issues will publish original scientific papers, preliminary communications, conference papers, review articles, but also high quality professional papers. We particularly welcome contributions that explore economic and business issues of emerging economies.

    The Editorial Board consists of eminent economists from different countries.

    All articles should be written in English and are subject to a double blind peer-review process. Only original unpublished works, not under consideration for publication elsewhere, should be submitted. Submitted papers need to be prepared according to the Instruction for authors.


  • Philological Studies

    Philological studies is an international Slavistics journal covering a wide range of research in the fields of philosophy, literature, history and linguistics through the following rubrics: Philosophic and Cultural Issues; History and Philology; „Words“ in an Histtorical and Cultural Context (comparative aspects); Literature in Intercultural Context; Modern Society in Culture, Language and Literature; Speech, Linguodidactics; Reviews and Information.

    Philological Studies is an open-access journal published bi-annually since 2002. The electronic version of the journal was registered in 2005 at the Institute of Macedonian Literature at the University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje (Macedonia). Its international Editorial Board consists of different countries experts in the field of humanities. The official languages of the journal are Macedonian, Serbian, Russian, Slovenian, Croatian and English. 

    Philological Studies is the result of inter-university cooperation between the Faculty of Philology at Perm State University (Russia), the Faculty of Arts at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), the Institute of Macedonian Literature at "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University in Skopje (Macedonia), the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb (Croatia), and the Institute for Literature and Arts in Belgrade (Serbia). 

    Philological Studies is included, indexed and archived in the following services: Central and Eastern Europan Online Library (CEEOL), Russian Science Citation Index (RINC), Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia „Hrčak”, American Modern Language Association (MLA), EBSCO, PROQUEST and GALE.

    ISSN: 1857-6060
    DOI: 10.17072 / 1817-6060

  • Journal of Contemporary Philology

    The Journal of Contemporary Philology (JCP) is an international electronic peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarly articles on all aspects of linguistics, applied linguistics, literature and cultural studies. The journal tries to attract high quality articles that present original research, pertaining to experimental work, theory, methodology and translation with a special emphasis on contemporary development in these fields. JCP invites authors to submit previously unpublished research articles, review articles and book reviews in English and Macedonian.
    The journal is published twice a year with the support of Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.
    JCP articles are indexed and abstracted in MLA, DOAJ, Google Scholar, ProQuest, ERIH PLUS, Index Copernicus, WorldCat, LIBRIS, BASE, OpenAIRE, Brill’s Linguistic Bibliography and the Linguist List.

    Online ISSN 2545-4773;   Print ISSN 2545-4765


  • Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, JAFES

    Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences (JAFES) is an international peer-reviewed open access scientific journal published twice a year. JAFES publishes original research papers focused on all aspects of agriculture, food and environmental sciences, such as: plant production, plant protection, genetics, breeding, genetic resources, biotechnology, animal production, water management, soil sciences, agricultural economics, rural development, information technology in agriculture, food technology, food processing, food quality and safety and so on. Special issues covering topics in a specific subject area, symposium proceedings as well as reviews (on invitation only) are also considered for publication. Editorial Team and Reviewers evaluate relevance and scientific merit of manuscripts. When a manuscript is submitted, it is assumed that the work has not been published elsewhere and that it is not simultaneously being considered for publication by another journal. Studies must follow ethical guidelines.

    JAFES has no publication fee.