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Tuna Emelj
Simonovska Ana
Petrovska Mitrevska Biljana


The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the various aspects that address and shape poverty in rural areas in the Republic of North Macedonia. Applying the "Multidimensional Tool for Poverty Analysis” approach supports understanding multiple deprivations and how different power relations, structures, conditions, and issues coincide to keep people in poverty. The model identifies four interrelated dimensions of poverty representing the internal factors such as resources, opportunities and choice, power and voice, and human security. In addition, external factors were analyzed representing the development context such as political and institutional, economic and social, environmental, and conflict and peaceful contexts. Primary and secondary data sources are used for the analysis. Field research (survey) is a new approach that complements and upgrades data from secondary sources that have so far been the basis of analyzes of this kind. The survey covered 103 households that predominantly live in rural areas, or around 76% of the total sample, while the remaining part of the sample is a control group, and those are households living in urban areas. The data triangulation aims to give a clearer picture of the problems and challenges posed by poverty in rural and urban areas and identifies the discrepancies in the living conditions between the rural and urban areas, as well as the most vulnerable groups living on the edge of poverty, etc., which should be supported by the future policies with targeted measures.


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