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Biljana Petanovska-Ilievska


HPLC methods for quantitative determination of active ingredient pirimicarb in the pesticide formulations Pirimor 25 WG, are presented in this paper. The preliminary investigations were performed to assess the influence of temperature, pH values of aqueous mobile phase, and volume fraction of the organic modifier on a capacity factor for pirimicarb, before the methods were developed. Those investigations were performed on high-speed column HS 3 x 3 C18 (3,3 x 0,4 cm), with mobile phase composition of acetonitrile/water. For quantitative determination of pirimicarb in pesticide formulation Pirimor 25 WG, were developed IV reversed-phase HPLC methods using different column types: HS 3 x 3 C-18 (3,3 cm x 0,46 cm), Hypersil ODS (25 cm x 0,46 cm), HS 3 x 3 C-8 (3,3 cm x 0,46 cm, 3 m) and Lichrosorb RP-8 (25 cm x 0,4 cm; 5 m). The investigation showed that HS columns type, that were used for the developed methods I and III for quantitative determination of pirimicarb with reverse-phase liquid chromatography have some advantages like: efficiency, precise and economic.


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