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Zvonko Pacanoski


Application of agricultural operation, particularly soil tillage and crop-rotation, caused signigicant changes in soil biota and its function. Application of conventional tillage stimulates soil biota activities, through improvement of water-air and thermal soil regime. As a result of that, soil organic matter degradation processes are forced. Numerous working operations of conventional tillage system, caused decreasing of the number of certain soil biota, particularly soil earthworms, but it intesify population of aerobic microorganisms. Unlike conventional tillage, reduced tillage systems, including No-till, mainly improve soil quality, caused increasing of bacteria and fungi, microbal biomass and intesification of enzime activities, but mainly in superficial soil layer (0-7,5 cm). In the reduced tillage systems anarobic microorganisms are predominant. Crop-rotation is a most complex agricultural operation which has influence on increasing of microbiological biodiversity, particulary useful microorganisms, breaking disease cycles, decreasing weed and pest population.


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