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L. Lepaja
E. Kullaj
K. Lepaja
N. Krasniqi


The aim of this research was to determine the content of macro- and micro-elements in pear fruits stored in basement after the application of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) combined with mulching. Using a water budged methodology, four levels of irrigation, specifically 100% of ET (control) and deficits of 80%, 60% and 40%, were applied to 10 trees, 5 of which were mulched by a 10 cm layer. The experiment was conducted in Kosovo (Dukagjini Plain) during 2013 on a pear orchard of 10 ha on third year using a nested experimental design. Using ANOVA two-way with post hoc testing we found significant changes in a series of nutrient elements. Irrigation levels significantly influenced pH, acids, brix, carbohydrates, dry matter, organic matter, ash, Ca and Na, while mulch has influenced brix, dry matter, pH, Cu, P, Fe, Mg and Na. The combination of irrigation and mulching have influenced pH, acids, brix, carbohydrates, dry matter, organic matter, proteins and Na while changes were not significant for fat, K, Pb and Zn. Young age of trees especially first year of production and long-term plant responses to RDI are more accurate than short-term responses so experiment is continuing.


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