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B. Popovski
M. Popovska


This research contains results concerning the chemical composition of 15 introduced varieties of strawberries in Macedonia: Idea, Camarosa, Belrubi, Evita, Honeoye, Tethis, Chandler, Onda, Miranda, Paros, Elsanta, Eris, Madalene, Favette and Marmolada and two controll varieties: Pocahontas and Sengasengana. The analysis has been conducted on the following substances: soluble dry matter, sugars (total and reductive), acids, pulp’s pH, sugar/acid ratio, vitamin C, anthocyanins and mineral matters. The percentage of soluble dry matter is between 8.5% with the Eris variety and 11% with Idea. Idea has the highest concentration of sugars with 8.80% of total and 6.16% of reductive sugars. Eris has the lowest concentration of 6.80% total and 4.76% reductive sugars. Lowest amount of acids is 0.79% (Onda and Madalene) and highest is 0.94% (Evita). The range of pH value goes from 3.5 (Tethis) to 4.2 (Chandler and Pocahontas). The Marmolada variety has the highest sugar/acid ratio with 10.4 and Evita has the lowest of 8.1. The concentration of vitamin C goes between the range of 72.49mg% (Pocahontas) and 113.73mg% (Camarosa). The anthocyanins concentration with the Favette is to be the lowest with 37.06mg/kg, whereas the Elsanta reaches the highest content with 48.88mg/kg. The content of mineral matter within the fruit is between 0.52% (Chandler and Onda) and 0.94% (Tethis).


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