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Safder Bayazıt
Kazim Gunduz
Sevki Sen


This research was carried out on eight-year-old trees of the Mondial Gala (Malus domestica Borkh) cultivars grafted on the M9 rootstock in order to determine its performance in the Mediterranean region with subtropical climatic conditions in Mersin, Turkey. In the study, flowering times, yield and fruit quality parameters were investigated. Mondial Gala planted with planting spaces of 1x3 m. According to the results, first flowering was observed on April 1, full flowering on April 10 and end of flowering on April 17, and fruits were harvested at the end of July. The fruit weight (average 223.2 g), the yield per tree (average 22.6 kg), and yield per trunk cross-sectional area was observed as 0.56 kg/cm2 at the end of the eighth year. Observed values indicated that Mondial Gala summer apple cultivars were found to be promising for early apple growing in the higher parts of subtropical ecological conditions of Turkey.


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