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Rade Rusevski
Biljana Kuzmanovska
Eftim Petkovski
Katerina Bandzo Oreskovic


The possibility of simultaneous effective control of apple scab and apple powdery mildew, by using single fungicidal active substance, and to compare the obtained results with those from standard chemical control, were the main goal of these experiments. In this study two fungicides were included: Sercadis (a.m. fluxapyroxad) and Indar 5 EW (a.m. fenbuconazole). Experiment was conducted during the 2016 in region of Prespa and region of Tetovo, on two apple varieties, idared and golden delicious. In untreated variant in region of Tetovo, significantly high level of infection of apple scab (43%) and apple powdery mildew (18,2%) were recorded. In region of Prespa, the situation with the control variant was quite the opposite (15,2% apple scab and 36% apple powdery mildew infection). Regarding the efficacy of tested fungicides, in region of Tetovo, the standard fungicide Indar 5 EW (a.m. fenbuconazole) provided protection efficiency of 94,58% against apple scab and 98,18% against apple powdery mildew. In the same region, the efficacy in variants treated with fungicide Sercadis was quite similar (92,65% efficacy protect against apple scab and 98,68 against apple powdery mildew). In region of Prespa, the efficacy performance of standard fungicide against apple scab and powdery mildew (95,65% and 94,44% respectively) was almost equal with the performance of fungicide Sercadis (94,53% and 96,66%).


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