EUROPEAN TRENDS IN SOCIAL SERVICES’ SYSTEMS: towards Marketization, User-involvement and Professionalization

  • Suzana Bornarova Faculty of Philosophy, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje


Social services systems in developed European states have undergone an intensive
development due to increased demand for this type of services that are no
longer designed to respond to the needs of only socially vulnerable and marginalized
categories of users. This paper will make an overview of the key trends in these states
that take place in this sector. In the core of this development process are the trends of
mixed economy of welfare, i.e. welfare pluralism, as well as marketization of services
and introduction of user participation to cover the costs of services. As a result, responsibilities
and tasks are increasingly delegated to other sectors, in addition to the
public sector that undertakes the role of service purchaser, and there is an increase in
the profit-oriented service providers. Specific accent is put on the rights of users to
be involved in the choice of services as well as on the support to families – caregivers
through the social services system. Last but not least, the development of social services
is accompanied by their professionalization through licensing of service providers
(institutions and professionals) and enhancing criteria regarding qualifications
of the work force engaged in the care services sector.


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How to Cite
Bornarova, S. (2019). EUROPEAN TRENDS IN SOCIAL SERVICES’ SYSTEMS: towards Marketization, User-involvement and Professionalization. Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, 72(1), 413-434.