Peer Review Process

Economy, Business and Development: An International Journal has online submission ( and peer review procedure through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) which is an open source journal management and publishing software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) under the GNU General Public License.

The reviewing process is double blind and lasts 16 (sixteen) weeks on average. The first step is a preliminary assessment to decide whether the submission is substantial enough to be sent to reviewers. The purpose of the preliminary is to decide whether the submission is appropriate for the EB&D journal with respect to topic, style, and substance. EB&D is a scholarly journal, and the submission is expected to be scholarly in style, whether it is an empirical, theoretical, or essay paper. Finally, EB&D favors substantial papers that cover and pull together a range of work. We aim to make the first decision within seven working days from the submission date. Editor-in-Chief may impose need for additional information if they are essential for the assessment of the paper.

After the initial decision to send for review, the Editor-in-Chief chooses a senior editor based on the scope of the paper with a request to identify appropriate reviewers. Each paper is assigned to be reviewed to at least two independent reviewers who are not part of the Editorial Board. Additional reviewers may be appointed when their decisions are inconsistent to one another or there is an uncertainty about the review quality or objectivity. The peer reviewers are selected based on their expertise in the field and a previously developed base of reviewers can be used. It is suggested senior editors to suggest reviewers in a maximum two weeks and further to contact them and to obtain their agreement for reviewing the appropriate paper within three weeks from receipt of the paper.

The content of papers after anonymous review by assigned reviewers is additionally discussed by the Editorial Board of the journal. The author(s) are informed in written about one of the following decisions:

  • Accept with no changes
  • Minor revisions required
  • Major revisions required
  • Reject, but re-submission encouraged
  • Reject

In situations where the reviewers or Editorial Board Member has claimed revision to the original copy, authors will be asked to make the necessary changes and improvements. The decision letter will determine a deadline. Once resubmitted, the paper may then be sent back to the first reviewers or to new ones, as Editorial Board decides with a discretion.

A modified paper should be submitted and accompanied by specific response to each reviewers’ requirements. Our objective is acknowledged papers to undertake one round of revision before being acknowledged for publication, so please address all issues identified in the first round of revision. The manuscript will be officially accepted for publication at the point when all issues are resolved.