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Dear colleagues,
We are glad to present a new edition of the journal “Philological studies”. Our publication remains a place where representatives of different humanitarian disciplines like Linguistics, literary studies, folklore studies, cultural history meet and share ideas. The international Slavic journal is open for dialogue with researchers who represent different scientific traditions and schools. Due to this, each issue shows a wide range of topical problems of modern Philology and related disciplines.
The first issue of the journal is devoted to the topic “Slavic cultures in transfer” (in the Russian version: “Transitions in Slavic cultures”). The articles included in this issue explore the dynamic processes in language, literature and cultural traditions. Authors are interested in interethnic and international interactions, foreign cultural influences and adoptions, mechanisms of adaptation of adopted elements to the new environment, translation questions, including closely related languages. Thirty-nine articles were published in two 2019 issues. We express our gratitude to the researchers, from Macedonia, Russia, Belarus, Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia for their scientific works. This year's edition of the journal was prepared by the Faculty of Philology of Perm State National Research University. The publication was carried out with the participation and support of permanent partners: the Institute of Macedonian Literature of the University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Faculty of Fhilosophy of the University in Zagreb, Philosophical Faculty of the University in Ljubljana and the Institute for Literature and Arts in Belgrade.