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The paper deals with the multifunctionality of the particle ajde in the Macedonan colloquial language. This Turkish loan is deeply rooted in all Balkan languages where it performs a wide range of functions in everyday oral communication. In spite of its undisputed status of a Balkanism it remains an understudied subject in typological literature. To explore the communicative potential of ajde we conducted an analysis of its discourse functions in various speech acts using a sample of collected examples from fiction works and telephone conversations. We suggest that the multifunctionality of ajde can be attributed to its contextual dependency: the original hortative meaning of ajde accommodates to the illocutionary force of the speech act it prefaces whereby acquiring properies characteristic of interpersonal discourse markers. Ajde acts as a hedge in directives but as a booster in commissives and expressives. The opposing fucnctions of ajde can be accounted for by its ability to operate in strategies involving positive politeness, a frame so characteristic of Balkan languages.
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Copyright © 2014 Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology, Skopje
Journal of Contemporary Philology (JCP)
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