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Marija Gjorgjieva Dimova


The text elaborates on a variation of the intersection between interdisciplinary interferences  in  literature  and  interdisciplinary  crossings  in  literary  theory, embodied in the relationship between narrative fiction and constructivism, which is propagated on two levels: the level of articulation of constructivist principles in narrative texts and the level of interpretation of those texts through the prism of constructivist conceptions. The elaboration of the concept of constructivism is realized on two levels. First, on a theoretical level, through a review of current theoretical concepts that define and describe various aspects of constructivism (theories of Glasersfeld, Foerster, Schmidt, Breuer, McHale). Secondly, on an interpretive level, through the interpretation of the novel Alexander and Death by Slobodan Micković, which serves as a vehicle for argumenting the starting thesis that historiographic metafiction, as a paradigmatic postmodernist genre, demonstrates both dimensions of constructivism: as a mode of articulation of interdisciplinary relations in the novel and as an interdisciplinary hermeneutic model for interpretation of the novel.


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Gjorgjieva Dimova, Marija. 2018. “INTERDISCURSIVE PERFORMANCES IN LITERATURE”. Journal of Contemporary Philology 1 (1), 111-28.


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